
The best ways to maintain your badminton shoes

Here's an amazing guide to help you maintain your badminton shoes in the best possible way.

Taking care and maintaining your badminton shoes also ensures protection for your feet from blisters and bruises.
Depending on the type of player you are, what level you play and how often, your shoes should last six months to a year and a half.The wear and tear of badminton shoes are normal and will naturally occur over time. However, there are a few useful tips you can implement to make sure your shoes are good to use for a long time.
Wear your badminton shoes indoors/at the badminton court
Avoid using your badminton shoes outside the court because the sole/grip of your badminton shoes is made out of material suited for indoors. Walking or running outdoors could damage and shorten the lifespan of your grip on your shoes. It can result in the sole of your shoes becoming very smooth. On wooden flooring, this can cause a player to slip and get injured.
After playing, air your shoes
You are most likely going to sweat during an intense game of badminton. The sweat percolates to the soles of your feet causing the inside of your shoes to get moist. It's highly advisable that after playing a game of badminton, to keep your shoes outside in a place where they can air-dry. This will help get rid of the smell and keep your shoes dry.
Store in shoe bags

When not in use, it is wise to store your badminton shoes in a shoe bag as this will help maintain them. It will also help protect your shoes, keeping them cool and dry. Moreover, it will ensure that your shoes last longer and are protected from moisture as it can lead to mould.
Don’t wash your shoes in the washing machine
Putting your shoes in a washing machine can affect the material it is made up of and the soles of the shoe, which are the most important part.
Instead, the best way to wash your shoes is to soak them in warm soapy water. Then use a soft bristle brush to remove any dirt. A scrub will also do the trick.
After removing all the dirt, run your shoes under tap water till all the soap is out. Next, you can soak it for 10-15 minutes to make sure all the soap and dirt are completely gone. Finally, to dry your shoes, it is best to wipe them down with a towel/cloth and then leave them to air-dry for the day.

Add tea bags inside your shoes
If your shoes tend to smell particularly bad after playing, you should place tea bags inside them to maintain a fresh smell. Teabags are known to get rid of unpleasant odours in shoes overnight. Remember to remove the tea bags from your shoes before you start playing.
Re-stuff your shoes when you are not using them
To maintain the shape of your shoes for a long time, you can stuff your shoes with paper or tissue when you are not using them. Unnecessary dents and folds can ruin the shape of your shoes and lead you to buy new shoes sooner than required.